OPDX Special Bulletin 1201.2 February 9, 2015

The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster
DX Special Bulletin No. 1201.2
BID: $OPDX.1201.2
February 9, 2015
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters Network, KY6R, N6PSE and OE1WHC for the following DX information.

KP1, NAVASSA (Press Release by DokuFunk)
Wolf Harranth, OE1WHC, from the Amateur Radio Section of ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation) and the Documentary Archives Radio Communications/QSL Collection, have sent OPDX the following Press Release, dated February 9th, 1300z [edited]: "A Sat-Phone interview with Glenn Johnson, W0GJ, co-team leader of the current K1N Navassa DXpedition" -- In an exclusive interview for Vienna- based Documentary Archive Radio Communications (DokuFunk), Glenn sums up the team's experience so far, gives some advice on how to cooperate, and discloses all plans for the remaining days of operation. Audio file is available at: http://www.dokufunk.org/navassa-e

In short, Glenn states in the interview that the K1N operation will continue, but on Friday they will start closing down. The team will start by sending their unneeded supplies back to Jamaica. On Saturday, the K1N operations will still be on the air, but some of the personnel will begin to leave the island. All radio equipment will remain on the island until daybreak Sunday, where K1N operations will then go QRT.

There are two typos in OPDX.1201. Under "AAW NEWS", the callsign "K0ZG" should read "K0ZP". Under "E6, NIUE", the callsign "E6NZ" should read "E6NK".

Richard, KY6R, writes:

"Heard Island Now The Longest Inactive Entity on the DXCC List!" No other entity in the Top 10 lists have been inactive longer than Heard Island! Heard Island was last activated in 1997, so that was 18 years ago.

Navassa is on the air now, Bouvet was activated in 2008, North Korea in 2002, South Sandwich and South Georgia in 2002, Crozet in 2009, Scarborough Reef in 2007, Tromelin in 2014, Kingman Reef in 2000, Palmyra in 2005, Pratas in 2003, Juan de Nova/Europa in 2003.

Heard Island is the "next up" as far as top 10 Most Wanted entities in the DXCC Program's entity list. After K1N is over, Heard Island will rise up to #4 in the DX Publications Most Wanted List ­ but this is of course always subject to change due to those who participate in the poll each year - See DXPUB_MOST_WANTED at: http://www.dxpub.net/MOST-WANTED-SURVEY.html And will be #5 in the Clublog Most Wanted List ­ and this also changes based on those who upload their log files - See ClubLog_most_wanted at:

The DX Publications survey was done in October, 2014, and since then, Tromelin, and now Navassa have been activated. Only Navassa affects the Heard Island position in this survey, and in fact also in the Clublog list. While both of these "surveys" are subject to all kinds of variables,

DX-pedition leaders do look at these when considering where they might go next ­ so they are useful. And they are fun for DX-ers to "dream and scheme" as far as thinking about that next big ATNO!

Dear friends of the DX Community:
The Intrepid-DX Group announced our plans to activate South Sandwich and South Georgia in mid-December.

With the activation of Navassa, these Islands become the #3 and #8 most wanted entities world-wide.

The activation of these two rare islands will be very expensive. The 14 team members are contributing $210,000 towards the $425,000 total cost of the DXpedition.

The team has a critical decision to make. We have a non-refundable deposit of $54,000 due to pay for our vessel charter.

We fully intend to go forward with our plans however we need indications from the global DX Community that you support our plans.

While we are pleased with the support of some individuals and a few clubs so far, we are now asking those of you who have not yet done so to please consider donating to our fund, or pledge a donation. We ask that the DX Clubs and Associations of the global DX community lend us their support.

We must feel confident that we can successfully raise enough funds for this exciting endeavor before we can commit to the non-refundable charter deposit.

You can see how to make a donation here:

If you cannot donate at this time, but wish to make a pledge, please let us know: intrepiddxgroup@gmail.com

If you wish your donation to be US tax deductible, consider making a directed donation through the Northern California DX Foundation:

Without significant support from the global DX Community, we will not be able to go forward with our plans.

Sincerely, The Intrepid-DX Group VP8/S and VP8/G Team

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